Don't know u guys had heard about this or i'm kinda laid back or what ..happen to pass by a website that showcase underwater dining. I think somebody had told me before of a hotel that is half submerge to seawater.....hmm... well it's kinda a nice idea of having one of the places like this..but i think the interior design needa do a bit of furnishing and stuff.. and probably a wider space for interactive purpose..but not just ..... u know...showing this interior design of the restaurant that they are different from others because they are submerge into water and there are fishes u can view... well i think there could be a more of "A" space interaction and experience between human and underwater natural ....probably... or it could be enchance by giving the space a kind of fluidity form..and in terms of the colour scheme giving the space a underwater experience about it...that's why furniture do play a great role in enchancing the space ...introducing the space what is all about in here....probably in future there is gonna be a underwater pub,clubbing ,shopping centre and etc...come on... there is something more to it than we can see beyond our human ground level..Fishes said: WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF UNDERWORLD..ARCHITECT LISTEN OUT! DESIGNER LISTEN OUT! ARTIST LISTEN OUT! Probably someday... we can come together in collabration to create something great and beautiful underworld...
Fishes said: Welcome to the world of underwater.
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