Thursday, August 30, 2007
Listen to the music
Listen to the music
jimmy tay
Currently listening to the photocopy man by sonic brat.....
Saturday, August 18, 2007
JIMMY i pat to myself.
jimmy i pat to myself
jimmy i pat to myself
jimmy i pat to myself.
Encourage believe focus.anti sosphiscation.
anti niche,anti design,anti trend,anti anti anti.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Good old times.
this japanese dude is my favorite skater all time.
La CHIAKI!!!!!!!!!!!!
what the ^$#^%#$%#
Good old times....
Fishes said: Welcome to the world of underwater

Don't know u guys had heard about this or i'm kinda laid back or what ..happen to pass by a website that showcase underwater dining. I think somebody had told me before of a hotel that is half submerge to seawater.....hmm... well it's kinda a nice idea of having one of the places like this..but i think the interior design needa do a bit of furnishing and stuff.. and probably a wider space for interactive purpose..but not just ..... u know...showing this interior design of the restaurant that they are different from others because they are submerge into water and there are fishes u can view... well i think there could be a more of "A" space interaction and experience between human and underwater natural ....probably... or it could be enchance by giving the space a kind of fluidity form..and in terms of the colour scheme giving the space a underwater experience about it...that's why furniture do play a great role in enchancing the space ...introducing the space what is all about in here....probably in future there is gonna be a underwater pub,clubbing ,shopping centre and etc...come on... there is something more to it than we can see beyond our human ground level..Fishes said: WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF UNDERWORLD..ARCHITECT LISTEN OUT! DESIGNER LISTEN OUT! ARTIST LISTEN OUT! Probably someday... we can come together in collabration to create something great and beautiful underworld...
Monday, August 13, 2007
Hello .Welcome you WHISMICAL

Friday, August 10, 2007
NDP Airforce Guard Of Honour.I Remember You.

Ndp is finally over.When come to think about it.I kinda miss those time trainings together with my friends and stuff.Though training is though,nothing gonna beat the honour and the pride of being one Guard of Honour for NDP. Airforce Guard Of Honour you are the best . Great ups to my buddies JY (my buddy standing with glory beside me,alvin the guy who we pull throughout the training together and made it through the parade orelse we gonna form another row of our own and march in the parade hahahahhaha...Up to this brother of mine.i'm proud of you.we made it to the parade.It's had been a long time training and we had come so far. I wana thank my parents esp my mum for helping me out at times like ironing my uniform and supporting me throughtout this period of time and coming to the parade together with my sister ...lots of love and hug.thank you sis and mum . Didi appreciate it. And other than my parents ,my friends too (zec,morgan and etc) for supporting me and encouraging me when there is a period of time, i was pull out for parade.Nonetheless i had not let u guys down! hahaha. Last but not least my girlfriend who were there to support and encourage me throughout these time.Darling you are part of the reason i made it to the first row. So u can see me on tv mah..hahahah I had done my best and had not let myself down.Thank you for always being there for me at times. (Girlfriend) hahaha
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Blowblow Windywindy Installation Light..

Commedesgarconsxrabbit HansonHo H55

Sort me out tomylittledreamworld
The little childhood story of you and me.
Little wooden sofa . make me to become and story book that tell tales.
My little attap house paint me owner.
tiedye me. says curtain.
gentaaaaaaaling genting plan
ka licence.
green tiger.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Maybe everything was just like a dream.Jimmy Tay

A piece of public installation furniture which i did a few years ago. This installation piece indeed took me quite a while to conceptualize it and realise it to become a prototype. Some believe in this furniture. Some don't. It was really a risk for me at that time and i was told by my friends that if this piece of installation furniture is gonna be produce, it is definitely gonna create lots of commotion. Just a simple piece of flat sheet of design and ur gonna pass it out like this? THEY SAID. i just have to believe myself at that time.Mind me,this is not an excuse to avoid works and hassle to continue through the design process but it is all about believing myself and my own instinct to create my very own installation piece. This concept was actually derived from our normal daily public furniture that we see in our daily life.Many times, we would stroll in the public street or park ,being tired, and able to find a public seating and rest before we moves on.During that time,i start to question myself whether is it gonna mark the end for public furniture which is so static and lifeless or how would or how can i be able to create a kind of memorable memories to the public seaters when they sit .A kind of human interaction between one another, a kind of unique experience when they are enjoying their rest on public seatings.The backrest of this art piece design was created and intended to be a paper-like kind of design. Before you approach the seating .It happen to be just one flat piece of art work and with each seat on the oppsite side. However when you began to sit down and lean back,the back rest began to tear open , bringing about a potray language of a piece of paper that is tearing off and breaking away human boundary and bringing about human interaction together.Whether to deny it or not,they had actually or unknowingly saw each other from the oppsite side which it had already creates a form of surprise element to the seaters.Who knows the one sitting oppsite to you might happen to be your prince charming or your long awaited princess or maybe.... everything was just like a dream.Jimmy Tay
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Turkish student collective designs downloadable chair

Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Balloon Lamp By Kyouei Co Ltd., Japan

Nissan Design Forum "Imagination Factory in Asia"

Presenting "Nissan Chameleon" by Jimmy Tay and Andre Chen
Car owners often experience indecisiveness when choosing colours for their treasured car.They won't need to worry anymore! Inspired by the nature of chameleon,This concept car will adapt and changes colours with the surrounding as the car moves at during different times of the day.Simply imagine your car changing to a new colour whenever you are in a different surrounding.This dynamic colour changing skin will be a delightful statement of fun for all car owners.Change is Anti-Boredom.Change is Anti-Status Quo.Change keeps us alive.We believe this change will be a wonderful trend-setter of Future car design.
Curvlicube Stool by jimmy Tay