Ndp is finally over.When come to think about it.I kinda miss those time trainings together with my friends and stuff.Though training is though,nothing gonna beat the honour and the pride of being one Guard of Honour for NDP. Airforce Guard Of Honour you are the best . Great ups to my buddies JY (my buddy standing with glory beside me,alvin the guy who we pull throughout the training together and made it through the parade orelse we gonna form another row of our own and march in the parade hahahahhaha...Up to this brother of mine.i'm proud of you.we made it to the parade.It's had been a long time training and we had come so far. I wana thank my parents esp my mum for helping me out at times like ironing my uniform and supporting me throughtout this period of time and coming to the parade together with my sister ...lots of love and hug.thank you sis and mum . Didi appreciate it. And other than my parents ,my friends too (zec,morgan and etc) for supporting me and encouraging me when there is a period of time, i was pull out for parade.Nonetheless i had not let u guys down! hahaha. Last but not least my girlfriend who were there to support and encourage me throughout these time.Darling you are part of the reason i made it to the first row. So u can see me on tv mah..hahahah I had done my best and had not let myself down.Thank you for always being there for me at times. (Girlfriend) hahaha
Next time can haolian to my children Daddy was a Guard Of Honour before hahahhaha
Yeah! went to basheer today and manage to get my favourite book "how to cheat in photoshop".Amazing book i would say with lots of image guide to teach you how to create photorealistic montage.And my driving final theory is coming soon.To be kiasu,i brought two books to prepare myself.Must pass! hahahah and......also brought a piece of graniph tee.Loving that colour alot even though i got complain from my girlfriend about this tee colour hahahaha..
wei,, scan that book and doad it up for us to see leh!!
oh i already got my lisence on this june woahahaha.. so good luck for you too!!!!
why u dun wan to create a tagbox?
wah alot leh ..u come singapore i lend it to you la whahahahahaha..
other said...
are you camillia??
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